Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
Animal farm for sure
George W. Bush is the worst Commander-in-Chief EVER.
He claims he doesn't read books, magazines or newspapers.........
....no wonder he doesn't know shit. He doesn't know history
and is bound to repeat it.
This stupid Iraq war IS no different than occupied Germany
post WW2.
For those of you who don't know, the hard core Nazis were doing
a good amount of sabotaging, blowing up bridges, power lines,
killing town mayors, kidnapping civilians,etc. Sounds familiar?
The army created special units to deal with this problem,
what they did was hunt the "insurgents" down, and when found,
no Abu Girab, no Guantanamo, no ACLU lawyer,
they were tied to a post and SHOT on site.
After a couple of years of this, the Germans that were against
the occupation, -and there were many- thought; you know,
let's forget all this Nazi bullshit and let's start rebuilding our
country, and Germany became the great nation it is today.
.Sandy Berger has a serious penis size complex.......always stuffing things in
his underwear..ha ha ha
to another topic:
Setting aside the mundane non-news of the day.........some
dumb-ass cookie-cutter stuff is NOT. ha ha ha.......ha ha
ha ha ha .................
......"it don't make no sense"
Friday, May 25, 2007
......stolen country......
At this point only God can save us from annihilation....

Drugged up on antidepressants the politicians are throwing America away
into the garbage of thirdworldism.
To me they are traitors and deserve to be impeached and kicked
out of office NOW.
...they're stealing your country right under your noses and
you don't even know it.....what your ancestors died for, you
are throwing all away. And the Government Media Complex is not
showing what you need to know, beware of the GMC. Pravda couldn't
have been more proud back in the 70's.
Thanks to the Internet, the truth is slowly but surely coming
out in the open for the people to see and all of you politicians that
have been sold out to the highest bidder, will pay dearly for
you are the lowest prostitutes around, will answer to the people.
If it didn't touch your life in one way or another, you're one
of the lucky ones.....some have not been so lucky.......
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
...Cannes update.....
film festival...........this is what I think of it.......
No wonder they want to kill us all...........
...the West is going the wrong way for now....
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Remembering the dead
How come we all remember when a right wing dictator kills his own people like Augusto Pinochet , hope rests peacefully in hell. but the media is silent when it comes to monsters like Mao Zedong having killed MILLIONS. Yes, millions in the "cultural revolution"..................I'm sure the Bolsheviks in America, if they could get away with it they 'd line up all the conservative independents and they would shoot them.....if they could get away with it and if they'd have the power.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Not a daytime job......
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Yes, film is king
Friday, May 11, 2007
Friday, May 4, 2007
Nuclear Winter
Cool truck
Just came across this beautiful truck, so I took a picture of it. Imagine 80,000 Lbs rolling down the highway floating on air-ride, it must be awesome.
I heard the "Republican" debate last night.....what a fucking JOKE!!!........
It was a "group press conference" that made me want to throw up!........
I tell you......there's no leadership in this country....where's Teddy Roosevelt when we need him?
I'm gonna go an' get some beers and don't think about it for now....on the other hand I watched the Demoncats the other day....what a bunch of losers....PATHETIC sight.
If you're listening Che Guevara.....I told Lucifer to turn up the heat a little more for you......you piece of crap with your dumb beard.
in the political discourse.
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