Wednesday, August 15, 2007

.....thank you Al Gore.....

Dumbass Al Gore and the ignoramus that take his word as gospel are destroying the few last havens for our cousins the animals, and just because they can't speak for themselves, it doesn't mean we humans have to be silent.

As an animal lover and a conservationist, it bothers me to witness the silence of PETA and all the other organizations that "speak" for animals, yet it is obvious that their goals are not humanistic but political. Yes political. What a bunch of demented creeps.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

......gun nut? NOT!.........

.......even editorial page writers from left field are beginning to question their old school philosophy with reason ... .........

......although I believe it's only a temporary awakening from their self induced comas ..........indeed mentally ill......a true mental disorder..........
ha ha ha........

Sunday, August 5, 2007

.....Bronxville, NY......... dad scooping snow for me to

make more snowballs to throw at

the rival punks of the block....ha ha ha..

Friday, August 3, 2007

......New Jersey...... move I ever made was moving to the

Jersey, this is life.......


.......our Iraqi friends......

.....not even sure why we're sending our best blood
to the meat grinder.......

....and George Bush keeps fighting like a girl.....
....I couldn't even think what the Demoncats would do....
...God help us.

.......John Murtha...........

........grandma always said "politicians are crap"...
....John Murtha is one of them, a scumbag
of the lowest order..........

...the end of the line is near, perhaps not tomorrow,
but it's coming and when it does.....
all these anti-everything this country stands for
will hang for their war profiteering.......remember
Eisenhower, HE knew what was coming.
A sign of a healthy democracy is loud forceful disagreement

in the political discourse.

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