Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Posted: January 24, 2011
8:48 pm Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2011 WorldNetDaily

Former Hawaii elections clerk Tim Adams has now signed an affidavit swearing he was told by his supervisors in Hawaii that no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Barack Obama Jr. in Hawaii and that neither Queens Medical Center nor Kapi'olani Medical Center in Honolulu had any record of Obama having been born in their medical facilities.

Read more: Hawaii official now swears: No Obama birth certificate

please read the rest here: http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=254401#ixzz1C2C4t6Dj


American Thinker: Report Card on Obama's First Two Years

American Thinker: Report Card on Obama's First Two Years

Friday, January 21, 2011

Welfare Tab for Children of Illegal Immigrants Estimated at $600M in L.A. County

...okay...from Fox News: (and no, it doesn't make it racist, xenophobic, sexist, homophobic or whatever the progressive movement wants it to be)
Welfare benefits for the children of illegal immigrants cost America's largest county more than $600 million last year, according to a local official keeping tabs on the cost.

Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich released new statistics this week showing social spending for those families in his county rose to $53 million in November, putting the county government on track to spend more than $600 million on related costs for the year -- up from $570 million in 2009.

Antonovich arrived at the estimate by factoring in the cost of food stamps and welfare-style benefits through a state program known as CalWORKS. Combined with public safety costs and health care costs, the official claimed the "total cost for illegal immigrants to county taxpayers" was more than $1.6 billion in 2010.

"Not including the hundreds of millions of dollars for education," he said in a statement.....

Read more: here

....he he he suckers!

West Phila. abortion doctor charged in murder of woman, seven infants

From The Philadelphia Enquirer:

West Philadelphia abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell routinely delivered live babies in the third trimester of pregnancy, then murdered them by "sticking scissors into the back of the baby's neck and cutting the spinal cord," according to a grand jury report.

One newborn who weighed almost six pounds was so big, the report said, "the doctor joked . . . this baby 'could walk me to the bus stop.' "Those are among the jaw-dropping details - complete with photographs - in a 260-page grand jury report released Wednesday that charges Gosnell, 69, with the murder of a patient and seven infants.

The report caps a yearlong investigation of Gosnell and his Lancaster Avenue clinic, which was shut down after a raid last February.

But the report is sure to be just the beginning of finger-pointing and soul-searching as city and state health officials, legislators, and those on both sides of the bitter abortion debate seek to understand how the clinic operated for 31 years, apparently with little oversight.

"The inaction of public agencies is exposed," District Attorney Seth Williams said Wednesday at a news conference.In addition to Gosnell, his wife, Pearl, and eight employees - none of whom had medical credentials, authorities say - were arrested Wednesday morning. Four of the workers are also facing murder charges.

Williams said the prosecution was not about the morality of abortion.

"I am aware that abortion is a hot-button topic," he said. "But as district attorney, my job is to carry out the law. A doctor who knowingly and systematically mistreats female patients, to the point that one of them dies in his so-called care, commits murder under the law."

Philadelphia lawyer William Brennan, who represented Gosnell before Wednesday's arrest, said he had not read the report and had not been formally retained as Gosnell's attorney.

"I would say simply that it's important to remember that Dr. Gosnell is presumed to be innocent," Brennan said.

The investigation began last February, after federal and state drug agents and Philadelphia police raided the clinic at 3801 Lancaster Ave. on suspicion that Gosnell was illegally dispensing narcotic painkillers. (A federal drug-trafficking investigation is continuing.)

What they found, according to the report, was "filthy, deplorable, and disgusting": blood on the floor; the stench of urine; cat feces on the stairs; semiconscious women moaning in the waiting or recovery rooms, covered with bloodstained blankets; broken equipment; blocked or locked exits.

The investigators also learned that in November 2009 an abortion patient had died.

That prompted state authorities to yank Gosnell's medical license and shut down the clinic.

Gosnell is now charged with third-degree murder in the death of that woman, Karnamaya Mongar, 41, who had traveled from Woodbridge, Va., for an abortion. A native of the Asian nation of Bhutan who had arrived in the United States only five months earlier, Mongar was 19 weeks pregnant. She developed a fatal heart arrhythmia after being overdosed with anesthetics by an unlicensed caregiver, the report says.

The grand jury also alleges that Gosnell and his staff delayed calling 911, attempted to deceive paramedics when they arrived, and then couldn't find the key for the emergency exit lock so the patient could be carried out to the ambulance. Responders finally had to cut the lock open.

That February raid was the beginning, Williams said, of ever more shocking discoveries that revealed Gosnell had been flouting Pennsylvania's abortion law - and medical licensing laws - for many years.

Gosnell, a family physician, received Pennsylvania Department of Health approval to do abortions at his clinic in 1979, after an on-site inspection.

Although Gosnell was never trained as an obstetrician-gynecologist, he began doing abortions at another clinic in the 1970s. In 1972, he made national headlines - and prompted a federal investigation - for using an experimental abortion-inducing device similar to an IUD on 15 low-income women, nine of whom developed serious complications. Gosnell was never charged in those cases.

From the start, he was well-known for being willing to do abortions beyond 12 weeks - the limit set by many clinics - and for treating poor and minority women.

Pennsylvania, which has one of the nation's most restrictive abortion laws, requires that a woman be counseled about alternatives and wait 24 hours before the procedure.

The state also requires that fetal tissue from abortions after 20 weeks be sent to a pathologist for review.

Abortions after 24 weeks - when the fetus can usually survive outside the womb - are outlawed unless the doctor determines, and reports to authorities, that the abortion "is necessary to preserve maternal life or health."

If the chosen abortion method might enable a live birth, the law says, a second physician must be "in the same room" and provide medical care to the newborn.Gosnell not only ignored these requirements, he also falsified ultrasound and state reports to cover his post-24-week abortions, the report found.

"Gosnell's approach, whenever possible, was to force full labor and delivery of premature infants on ill-informed women," the report says. "When you perform late-term 'abortions' by inducing labor, you get babies. Live, breathing, squirming babies. . . . Gosnell had a simple solution: he killed them . . . by sticking scissors into the back of the baby's neck and cutting the spinal cord."

Williams said the grand jury heard testimony that Gosnell performed the procedure, which he called "snipping," hundreds of times, but most cannot be prosecuted because the evidence is gone.

Still, investigators found fetal bodies and body parts in garbage bags, plastic boxes, and bottles at the clinic, the report said.

One of the seven alleged cases of infanticide that have been documented is "Baby Boy A" - the newborn about whom Gosnell allegedly made the bus-stop joke.

"His 17-year-old mother was almost 30 weeks pregnant - seven and a half months - when labor was induced," the report says.Charged by the Grand Jury

Kermit Gosnell, 69, is charged with third-degree murder in the death of Karnamaya Mongar, 41. Gosnell is also facing seven murder charges in the deaths of infants who were allegedly killed after being born viable and alive during the sixth, seventh, and eighth months of pregnancies.

Lynda Williams, 42, of Wilmington. Third-degree murder in the death of the patient and murder in the death of live infant.

Sherry West, 51, of Newark, Del. Third-degree murder in the death of the patient, performing illegal abortions, conspiracy, racketeering, tampering with records, hindering prosecution, obstructing administration of law, and other related offenses.

Adrienne Moton, 33, of Upper Darby. Murder in the death of a live infant, conspiracy, and racketeering.

Steven Massof, 48, of Pittsburgh. Murder in the deaths of two viable babies born alive, conspiracy, theft by deception, racketeering, and other related charges.

Elizabeth Hampton, 51, of the 5000 block of Arch Street, Philadelphia. Gosnell's sister-in-law, she is charged with obstruction, hindering prosecution, and perjury.

Eileen O'Neill, 54, of Phoenixville. A medical-school graduate who worked as a doctor at the clinic without a license or certification, she is charged with theft by deception, conspiracy, racketeering, and perjury.

Tina Baldwin, of South 63d Street, Philadelphia. An unlicensed worker, she is charged with racketeering, conspiracy, and corruption of a minor for allegedly allowing her 15-year-old daughter to administer anesthesia to patients.

Pearl Gosnell, 49, of Philadelphia. Gosnell's wife, she is charged with performing an abortion at 24 or more weeks, conspiracy, and other related offenses.

Maddline Joe, 53, of the 800 block of Atwood Road, Philadelphia. The office manager, she is charged with conspiracy.

Kermit Gosnell Biography

Age: 69.

Business: Women's Medical Society.

Location: 3801 Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia.

Medical School: Jefferson Medical College, 1966.

Licensed as physician and surgeon in Pennsylvania: 1967.

Malpractice suits: At least 10 since 1981.Abortions per year before closure: About 1,000.

View on abortion: In 1972, he told an Inquirer reporter: "I personally would never agree to have an abortion performed on any woman bearing my child. As a physician, I am very concerned about the sanctity of life. But it is for this precise reason that I provide abortions for women who want and need them."

Time Line of Events

1972 He helps test an experimental device and does "super coil abortions" on 15 women. Nine suffer serious complications; one woman gets a hysterectomy.

1973 The Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision makes abortion legal up to fetal viability, about 24 weeks.

1979 Gosnell receives state Health Department approval to do abortions at the Women's Medical Society clinic.

1996 He is fined $1,000 for employing an unlicensed physician assistant.

2004 Presbyterian Medical Center revokes Gosnell's privileges to practice there.

2007 Gosnell performs an abortion on a minor without a parent's consent. He pays $10,000 to settle the case.

Nov. 20, 2009 Karnamaya Mongar, 41, an immigrant from Bhutan, dies after an abortion procedure at Gosnell's clinic.

Feb. 18, 2010 The Drug Enforcement Administration raids Women's Medical on Lancaster Avenue, investigating concerns that Gosnell was illegally dispensing narcotic painkillers.

Feb 22, 2010 State authorities suspend his medical license, citing conditions that were "deplorable and unsanitary."

May 5, 2010 State health officials move to permanently close Gosnell's clinic.

Jan. 19, 2011 Philadelphia district attorney charges Gosnell with killing one woman and seven babies who prosecutors believe were born alive.

Full article here

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


10 Ways In Which China Humiliates The United States

Paul Joseph Watson
January 19, 2011
Rolling out the red carpet, lining Constitution Avenue with Communist flags, and treating unelected Chinese dictator Hu Jintao to lavish White House dinners while he badmouths the U.S. dollar is hard enough to stomach, but there are a plethora of ways in which China is humiliating the United States as the globalists get ready to use China as the vehicle through which to complete the deindustrialization of the decaying American banana republic.
read more here

Hawaii governor can't find Obama birth certificate

Hawaii governor can't find Obama birth certificate

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Arizona Sheriff Admits There's No Evidence 'Vitriolic Rhetoric' Incited Giffords Shooter

Since making his claim Saturday that the Tucson shootings were caused by "vitriolic rhetoric that we hear day in and day out from people in the radio business and some people in the TV business," Pima County Arizona Sheriff Clarence Dupnik has become a media darling being regularly quoted by press outlets from coast to coast.

On Sunday, during strong questioning from Fox News's Megyn Kelly, Dupnik admitted that his department has not uncovered one shred of evidence to support his now well-publicized assertion
...please read the rest of the story here: NewsBusters.org
It's truly sickening to see Democrat hacks accusing their opponents of inciting violence like this when it is a fact that one of their own atheist Jew-hating anarchist did this.

MSNBC Asserts Violent Rhetoric Exclusively From Right; Two Months Ago Featured Guest Calling for Violent Revolution From Left

from Breitbart:
MSNBC Asserts Violent Rhetoric Exclusively From Right; Two Months Ago Featured Guest Calling for Violent Revolution From Left

On January 8th MSNBC guests Eugene Robinson and Josh Marshall, along with host Keith Olbermann, soberly assured their viewers that violent, political rhetoric is exclusive to the American right. Two months earlier, on November 8th, MSNBC host Dylan Ratigan called for a new American revolution and featured guest Ted Rall who advocates a violent overthrow of the government.


From World Net Daily:
Assassin's politics lean 'left wing, quite liberal'
'Communist Manifesto,' 'Mein Kampf,' listed as alleged gunman's favorite reads

Posted: January 08, 2011
5:22 pm Eastern

By Aaron Klein
© 2011 WorldNetDaily

"The Communist Manifesto" and Hitler's "Mein Kampf" were among the favorite reading materials of Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in today's fatal shooting that reportedly left six dead and gravely injured a U.S. congresswoman.

Lougher, 22, listed those tomes among his favorites on his YouTube channel, in which he wrote that "conscience dreams" were a "great study" at his college, Pima Community College.

Understand what's happening to America's culture and what you can do to fight it with "How Evil Works," autographed, from the WND Superstore.

One user on Twitter, Caitie Parker, wrote she went to high school, college and was in a band with the gunman. She said she hadn't seen him since 2007.

Parker wrote of Lougher, "As I knew him he was left wing, quite liberal and oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy."

She also described him as "more left."

Lougher also left a trail of bold political statements.
On his now deleted MySpace page, Lougher wrote a series of disjointed rants, including:

* "If there's no flag in the Constitution, then the flag in the film is unknown. There's no flag in the Constitution. Therefore, the flag in the film is unknown. Burn every new and old flag that you see. Burn your flag!"

* "I bet you can imagine this in your mind with a faster speed. Watch this protest in reverse! Ask the local police, 'What's your illegal activity on duty?'"

* "If you protest the government, then there's a new government from protesting. There's not a new government from protesting. Thus, you aren't protesting the government."

Three months ago, Lougher made a YouTube video in which he proclaimed, "I know you're illiterate! This is the greatest protest for exposure into a wrongful act. The school is breaking the Constitution. If you watch the video then you'll understand. The teachers are taking advantage of you in the First and Fifth Amendment. The United States Constitution, which is the law, can be broken at this school."

With research by Brenda J. Elliott. End of Report.

....Once again the left wingers show how violent and sick they are.
A sign of a healthy democracy is loud forceful disagreement

in the political discourse.

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