Sunday, May 22, 2011

Why is Savage still Banned?

An innocent man like Michael Savage is not allowed to enter the U.K., but
a convicted terrorist is given the green light to remain in London, can anyone
explain to me why?

From The Telegraph:
"Judges block Home Secretary from deporting convicted terrorist."

A convicted terrorist banned from Britain for being a risk to national security has been stopped from being deported by the courts.

The Muslim man, who cannot be named, was found guilty of terrorism in Tunisia and has already been extradited once to Italy, where he was accused of being involved in helping to send Islamists to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Theresa May, the Home Secretary, ordered that he be kept out of Britain because his presence would not be "conducive to the public good for reasons of national security", adding that there was evidence he had been involved in "extremist radicalisation".

However, after he was acquitted in Italy, he returned to Britain and has been allowed to stay by the Court of Appeal while he fights Mrs May's ruling. The court's decision has exposed what experts said was a "loophole" in immigration law which would allow "dangerous" people to stay here.

Experts said the case would have serious implications for the Home Office's ability to exclude terrorists and those suspected of terrorist offences, effectively creating an open border for terrorists while they pursue legal challenges.

Although only a small number of people would be affected, they could pose serious risks to national security.
See full article here

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