Friday, January 25, 2013
Gun Control Frenzy- Proof Democrats Are The Real Racists
Tuesday January 22, 2013
Gun Control Frenzy- Proof Democrats Are The Real Racists
All this frenetic posturing over banning assault weapons and other weapons would be more credible if this concern over the safety of a community included barrios and ghettos. Democrats won't touch that arena because they know that most gun crimes are in cities with the toughest gun control laws. They are also under the aegis of elected Democrats who are continuing the party's disingenuous record of supporting the minority community.
By Alicia Colon
There is no doubt that the Sandy Hook school massacre was an unspeakable tragedy but I doubt seriously that had the murdered children been killed at an inner-city school, Presidential Obama would be holding a conference using children as a dramatic prop for his dictatorial gun control agenda. Nor would there be hysterical politicians calling for tighter gun control laws nor column after column from leftwing writers exploiting the tragedy. The sad truth is that none of these demagogues care one bit about murdered black or Hispanic children unless the perpetrators of these crimes are white.
According to The Chicago reporter, "Since 2008, more than 530 youth have been killed in Chicago with nearly 80 percent of the homicides occurring in 22 African-American or Latino community areas on the city's South, Southwest and West sides." Ho-hum to that say the lackeys in the media who refuse to report Chicago's disgraceful murder rate which is greater than the military deaths in Afghanistan because it's in a city run by Obama's former Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel.
Let's have more gun control legislation, the Democrats essentially say, even though we know it won't stop madmen from slaughtering innocent children because it makes us look like we care. So what if most of the murders occur in cities with the toughest gun laws? Let's trot out the fake letters supposedly written by children terrified of being shot in school. Let's toss away the letters from kids begging for Obama to get jobs for their fathers. Seriously, who believes their tripe anymore? Apparently a lot, because they show up at rallies and cheer Obama's speeches. I'm beginning to think a good portion of the nation has been lobotomized and has lost the ability to reason with any acuity.
Back in 1999, after the Columbine massacre, I wrote a column titled, "Revenge of the Trench Coats is Anything But a Comedy." I reread it recently and was amazed at the similarity between the debate then and now and that nothing has changed since. I may have written about the shooters, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, but the same commentary applies to the Sandy Hook killer, Adam Lanza:
"Attacking the NRA is futile because I really don't think they're the problem. Most members of the NRA practice stringent safety controls. Their weapons are kept secure and are routinely maintained and they monitor their children's safety carefully. Strict gun controls only make it more difficult for ordinary citizens to acquire guns to protect themselves. Criminals have no problem acquiring weapons and disregard any laws imposed. Let's be realistic. Effective gun control will occur only when we quit manufacturing them... Blame is even being placed on the Leonardo DiCaprio film, 'Basketball Diaries,' which contains a dream sequence with similarities to this tragedy. The parents of a school-shooting victim in Kentucky are currently suing producers of this film. Let's look everywhere for reasons before painfully looking inside our home lives.
"Maybe Colorado's rarefied air makes the state too enlightened to consider the simplest explanations but if my son and his friends were dressing in long black trench coats I'd be sure to lock up any weapons I'd have lying around. How can these kids be building pipe bombs in basements without the knowledge of their parents? Were these youths living in a vacuum bereft of quality adult supervision? What on earth was going on in their home lives that drove them to murder and suicide? Why didn't their parents check their children's web page for clues to their madness?
"But how does one explain these tragedies? Is it violence in television and video games? My sons play these games all the times yet they have no interest in guns or mayhem. Is it the prevalence of guns in America? Britain has the toughest gun control laws in the world and yet on March 13, 1996, a lone gunman in Dunblane, Scotland massacred 16 elementary school children and their teacher. Explain that.
"One thing all these horrible incidents have in common is the presence of evil and the absence of love. All the perpetrators felt unloved and resorted to evil solutions."
The majority of Columbine and Sandy Hook victims were white and this fact became fodder for liberals like Michael Moore to exploit white liberal guilt and roll out their anti-gun power play. Moore made a faux documentary 'Bowling for Columbine' filled with lies and distortions and is probably planning one for the Sandy Hook victims of our "savage gun culture". How likely is he to make one about the thousands of young blacks and Hispanics killed every year by other blacks and Hispanics?
All this frenetic posturing over banning assault weapons and other weapons would be more credible if this concern over the safety of a community included barrios and ghettos. Democrats won't touch that arena because they know that most gun crimes are in cities with the toughest gun control laws. They are also under the aegis of elected Democrats who are continuing the party's disingenuous record of supporting the minority community.
Cold hard facts are ignored by virtually every journalist in the mainstream media who refuses to expose the Democratic Party's history of racism. One of the most racist films ever made was D.W. Griffith's, 'Birth of a Nation,' which was also the first movie to be screened in the White House.
Democrat President Woodrow Wilson during a private screening at the White House is reported to have enthusiastically exclaimed: "It's like writing history with lightning. And my only regret is that it is all terribly true."
The Wilson administration implemented a policy of racial segregation for federal employees after promising blacks "fair dealing... in advancing the interests of their race in the United States."
The NAACP condemned 'Birth of a Nation' for its racist and "vicious" portrayal of blacks, its proclamation of miscegenation, its pro-Klan stance, and its endorsement of slavery. The film is used to recruit new members of the Ku Klux Klan which was founded by the Democrats during the Reconstruction period after the Civil War.
Today's NAACP apparently ignores American History and has forgotten who really arrested Martin Luther King. Oddly enough this organization is in the pocket of the Democrat Party. Sincere civil rights advocates should instead lend their support to the Congress of Racial Equality (C.O.R.E.) a truly bipartisan champion of all human rights.
I'm still waiting for one Republican politician with the guts to hammer the Democrats with their history and bigotry towards the black community. One that will expose the truth behind those entitlement programs disguised as caring but which are really designed to, as Star Parker wrote, keep blacks on "Uncle Sam's plantation."
I'm also waiting for the end to race-baiting pundits who shout "racist code words" whenever anybody tries to call a spade a spade.
Dream on, Alicia.
Alicia Colon resides in New York City and can be reached at and at
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