Saturday, November 24, 2007

Sunday, November 4, 2007 shop....

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Nuclear Winter

The Hitler of our time wants this to happen...

Edward S. Isaacs: Nuclear Winter
It's strange that 6 days after my original
"Nuclear Winter" post, the San Francisco
Chronicle and the L.A.Times followed
with obscure and buried on the third part
of the paper came out with the "news" ha!

You think I'm kidding you?


...Hugo Chavez go to hell...

So the thug that all the dumbasses like Sean Penn love to go and lick his boots is showing overtly what he's all about, and the Hollywood crowd is now silent like the little coward chicken shits they are. It's the same ignoramuses who idolize a hobo bum like Che while eating sushi at their favorite yuppie joint.
As for me, I'm not going to the movies any more...have tons of books I need to catch up with.

....Russian Church....

...dreamland, twilight...

...fall colors...

....Jersey Shore....

A sign of a healthy democracy is loud forceful disagreement

in the political discourse.

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